What we do

PIRO intervenes through a capacity building approach that aims at individual and community structures for self-development.

PIRO works through four flagship programs: Education Development, Community Health, Livelihood and Climate Change, and Governance and Civic Engagement. We employ a capacity-building approach, focusing on individual and community empowerment. PIRO collaborates with various partners, including government agencies, development partners and NGOs, to implement projects. Our work is guided by principles of participation, sustainability, and accountability, aiming to create lasting positive change in Zanzibar.

Afya kwa Elimu Bora

Funded by the Embassy of Ireland Dar es Salaam, Tanzania the project is
contributing to the well-being, empowerment, and overall development of Adolescent School Girls (13-16 years) in North B District through Enhancing Menstrual Hygiene Management among girls in schools of North B District.

One Thousands Jobs

Implemented in the Districts of ChakeChake, Wete, Micheweni and Mkoani in Pemba the project aims to strengthening the inclusion and capacity of Zanzibar youth in the blue economy specifically to enhance youth awareness, engagement and competency in the blue economy and identified value chains in their local area through soft skills, entrepreneurship and practical skills; increasing sector specific technical skills, livelihood, and income generation opportunities for the youth; enhancing business innovation through Design Thinking Process (DTP) and use of ICT; to support the youth in establishing sustainable and scalable businesses and raising productivity and incomes of youth smallholders in aquaculture. The project is supported by USAID/Feed the Future

Kijani Pemba Project.

The project aims to improve the individual and families living conditions in the main urban areas of South Pemba and in particular in the settlements through i) Increased accessibility and connectivity in difficult areas; ii) increased access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation, iii) provision or upgrading public and social facilities; iv) enhancing solid waste management system; v) strengthening sustainable integrated urban planning and development with an emphasis to gender related issues through capacity building for CSOs and Local Authorities (LA) staff. Furthermore, by adopting environmentally sensitive waste management services and green small local businesses, the Action is also consistent with the selection of green and nature-based solutions. The project is supported by EU/LVIA.

Gender and Social Inclusion

PIRO prioritizes gender equality, youth empowerment, and social inclusion across its projects in Zanzibar. OurĀ  initiatives focus on supporting disadvantaged girls’ education, promoting youth entrepreneurship, and addressing women’s health issues. PIRO’s programs aim to enhance opportunities for marginalized groups, fostering their participation in decision-making processes and ensuring equitable access to resources and services across various sectors.

Data Driven Advocacy

PIRO employs data-driven advocacy across its projects in Zanzibar, utilizing robust monitoring and evaluation systems. We collect and analyze data from our education, health, livelihood, and governance initiatives to inform policy recommendations and improve program effectiveness. This evidence-based approach enables PIRO to advocate more effectively for social change, influence decision-makers, and ensure their interventions address the most pressing community needs in Zanzibar.

Entrepreneurship Skills Building

Skills building to 330 families vulnerable to worst forms of child labour on business and entrepreneurship including provision of credit facilities to start business on 330 vulnerable families. Lesson learned in this project was that, need to have a coordinated approach between the private and the state sector in order to break down the barriers and support the youth and families in entrepreneurship and credit education

What we care for

Nature preservation

In Pemba, mangrove restoration is crucial for enhancing coastal resilience and biodiversity. PIRO supports community-led efforts to plant mangroves along degraded shorelines, combating erosion and creating habitats for marine life. This initiative not only protects the coast but also provides sustainable livelihoods for local communities through eco-tourism and sustainable fisheries, contributing to both environmental conservation and economic development.

A new future for women

PIRO actively promotes women’s empowerment in Pemba through various initiatives. These include supporting girls’ education, enhancing women’s access to health services, particularly reproductive health, and fostering economic opportunities through entrepreneurship training and microfinance programs. PIRO also advocates for women’s rights, combats gender-based violence, and encourages women’s participation in local governance, aiming to create a more equitable society in Pemba.

Bringing dreams within reach for children

PIRO, in collaboration with ILO/IPEC, implemented a project addressing child labor in Zanzibar, focusing on the fishing and seaweed farming sectors in Micheweni and Wete districts. The initiative aimed to withdraw, prevent, and rehabilitate children from worst forms of child labor. Activities included providing scholastic materials for children in alternative or transitional education, supporting vulnerable families, and building entrepreneurship skills to prevent child exploitation.

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