The Popular Inspiring and Relief Organization (PIRO) organized this training for 18 students and 10 teachers from North District Schools, Unguja with the aim of being able to reach other students in those schools who:
Primary Schools
- Mgonjoni
- Kibumbwi
- Pangatupu
- Zingwezingwe
- Kiongwe
- Matetema
Secondary Schools
- Kilombero
- Kiongwe
- Makoba
- Mgambo
The participants are from Student Governments who have become Peer Educators for their students and are expected to conduct the training from July 1, 2024 in collaboration with their Teacher Advisors for each school.
The participants of the training showed up as expected and we had two trainers who were experts on reproductive health topics, especially safe menstruation. The training was based on the topics proposed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Practical Training through the Unit of Inclusive Education and Life Skills and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Gender and Children as well as the relevant District Education Office and Counseling Teachers, that is, we have provided Education of:
Life Skills, and Its Components
Sex and Gender and Its Aspects
Reproductive Health, and Its Aspects Along with Safe Menstrual Health
Similarly, to explain the issues of harm and health challenges resulting from the incorrect use of pads (feminine towels) to be able to maintain the cleanliness of their bodies and the environment they live in, also to be able to visualize and identify the best equipment to cover themselves when they have their period to remove the wave of male absenteeism, as well as being able to prepare the environment to put pads in the house so that if it causes students to get Menstruation while at school then it does not miss the period of their Studies and Training aimed to facilitate identifying the correct ways to store pads after use as well as being able to understand how to deal with pain arising from menstruation.
We were also able to build the capacity of the students regarding the issues of pad use and how to store them after use. These trainings were successful with a large percentage and we have reached the intended goals and we have prepared sustainable strategies for others as its main goal.

At the beginning of the training, they started to introduce the project to the Stakeholders and Students, this project Afya kwa Elimu Bora – Strengthening Menstrual Health Management for in-school girls in North B, Unguja which is going to help contribute to the Welfare, Empowerment and Overall Development of School Girls (Years 13 – 16) in North District B Unguja through strengthening Menstrual Hygiene Control Among:
Creating an environment to help girls find and use sanitary equipment for male girls
Increasing Awareness and Knowledge on Hygiene and Safe Menstruation among Women and Girls and Society in General
To Have Enhanced Confidence to Increase Access to and Use of Affordable Sanitary Ware for School Girls
Promoting Gender Equality and enabling School Girls to overcome the Challenges Accompanying the Lack of Female Towels
Beneficiaries: This project directly supports 2,000 Women and Girls through the support of Education and washable hygiene kits and economic opportunities. However, in an indirect way, it contributes a lot to promoting local governments to take action on hygiene and safe menstrual health and contribute to a large number of women and girls.
Project Implementation Area: North District B Unguja, Zanzibar:
kazi nzri Sana naaamini inasaidia kuwafumbua macho vijana wakaskazini b nazanzibar nzima
It is very good. This is indeed a good thing that you are continuing to help young people
Nice 👍👍👍👍
By mk hemed
Good idea I hope every girl school were participate and happy to see the organizations support you